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Philadelphia (BIPOC Inclusive) Pride Flag

Philadelphia (BIPOC Inclusive) Pride Flag

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3ft x 5ft grommeted fabric flag

Origins of the Philadelphia flag/colors: (source)

LGBTQA+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Asexual, and all other identities that fall into the LGBTQA+ community across the gender, sexuality, and romantic spectrums.

QPOC: Queer People of Color. Members of the queer community who are also people of color.

History: The QPOC inclusive LGBTQA+ Pride flag is based on the current widely accepted LGBTQA+ Pride Flag, the 6 color rainbow flag, first created by gilbert baker in 1978.

The QPOC inclusive LGBTQA+ flag or “ Philadelphia Pride Flag” was unveiled on June 8, 2017 at a pride month kick-off event at Philadelphia City Hall.

The Philadelphia Pride flag adds two stripes, black and brown, to the traditional six of the rainbow flag. The design was created by Philadelphia based PRd agency Tierney for Philadelphia's “More Color More Pride'' campaign, which aims to showcase the city's commitment to people of color in the queer community. Adding the black and brown stripes is a small but powerful step for inclusivity in the LGBTQA+ community.

Flag Meaning
Black & Brown: Queer People of Color
Red: Life
Orange: Healing
Yellow: Sunlight
Green: Nature
Blue: Harmony/Peace
Violet: Spirit