Our Board and Committee is made up entirely of volunteers who dedicate their after work and weekend hours to serving the LGBTQA+ and Two Spirit community of the Sioux Falls area.
Steering Committee
Rachel | President & Marketing Director | Elected August 2024

I’m nonbinary, and use they/she pronouns.
I joined the Sioux Falls Pride team as a volunteer in 2018 after working for the organization as an intern for my Spring semester in the Journalism program at Augustana University. I find the most joy working with local businesses and other organizations to keep Sioux Falls Pride engaged in our community and intersectional in our advocacy for the LGBTQIA+ and Two-Spirit Community.
Anna | Vice President, Acting Secretary | Elected August 2024

My name is Anna and my pronouns are she/her. I am a spouse, a parent, and I work as a software engineer. I have also been a public school teacher in South Dakota and believe it is important to advocate for youth and find ways for their voices to be heard. My journey as a transgender woman has involved overcoming fear and finding self-acceptance, and I strive to help other LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit people find the support and community we all need. I am excited to be a part of Sioux Falls Pride and help our diverse community in the Sioux Falls area and across the state.
Hadass | Interim Board Treasurer | Elected Fall 2022

My pronouns are she/her/hers. I am a Broker-Realtor® at a local real estate company, EXIT Realty - Great Plains. I have lived in Sioux Falls since December of 2018. Since moving, I have become more involved in the community by volunteering at different organizations that are important to me. I grew up with a gay dad and his partner for most of my childhood. My goal as an Ally of the LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit family is to provide a safe space where everyone can feel at home. I have loved helping organize events in Sioux Falls where people can celebrate who they are.
Board Members at Large
Brian | Board Member | Elected Summer 2024

Tray | Board Member | Elected Fall 2022

When community and support connections are placed at the center the conditions of overall wellness ripen. Wellness Advocacy helps cultivate relationships ever welcoming with yourself and others.
Chelle | Board Member | Elected Summer 2024
Jack | Board Member | Elected Summer 2024
Committee Members
Want to join the SuFu Pride Planning Committee? Request to join our committee Facebook group, found here. All we ask is that you attend our meetings each month.